Monday, August 27, 2012

Whats stopping you?

Thomas Edison once said, "If we did all of the things that we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves!"
We can either sit on the side of the road and tell shoulda,woulda,coulda stories or take ownership of our destiny and just do it!

Saturday, August 25, 2012


  • Those of us in the home based business industry have heard over and over again how we must be persistent. We must keep on keeping on. Sam Glenn( The Authority on Attitude) says We have to mix persistence with our purpose. Persistence plus purpose creates greatness! He says that Persistence is holding on to something positive and not EVER letting go despite the circumstances!!
  • I'm the first to admit that it is challenging when it seems that the odds are set against you, but persistence and perseverance will never let us down. We can achieve our dreams if we just hang in there because it will all be worth it!


    Friday, August 24, 2012

    An excerpt from "The Seeds of Greatness Treasury" by Denis Waitley
    states with regard to communication;
    It is not what I think that counts, nor is it what you think that counts. Its what I think you think and what you think I think, that really counts.
    I need to be reminded that sometimes I have no real idea what my significent other is thinking and I need to just ask him and know for sure!