Monday, October 24, 2016

$20 Million Lawsuit Accuses KFC Of Misleading Ads For “Family Fill Up” Meals

The ads for KFC’s Family Fill Up meal show an overflowing bucket of fried chicken, but the reality of what you get with your order may not be so bountiful. A KFC customer in New York is suing the fast food chain for $20 million, accusing it of deliberately misleading customers about how much chicken they get with this offer.

The complaint [PDF] was originally filed in a New York state court, but was recently removed to a federal court.

The plaintiff says she purchased a Family Fill Up meal for $20 from a KFC in Hopewell Junction, NY. But rather than receive a bucket filled to the brim with chicken, she says the bucket was only half full.

So she called up KFC HQ to complain, and says that a representative for the company told her that the images shown in the advertising for the Family Fill Up were dolled up so that people could actually see the chicken. This, alleges the lawsuit, is deceptive advertising in violation of New York consumer protection laws.

“They say it feeds the whole family … They’re showing a bucket that’s overflowing with chicken,” she tells the NY Post about her case. “You get half a bucket! That’s false advertising, and it doesn’t feed the whole family. They’re small pieces!”

Just last week, the folks at Truth In Advertising took on the Family Fill Up meal, comparing the ad versus the reality:


Truth In Advertising
Truth In Advertising

“Is there even chicken in that bucket?” asked Truth In Advertising. “Well, yes, but not nearly as much as the monster portion depicted in the TV commercial.”

As for KFC, the company tells the Post that it believes the lawsuit is without merit.

by Chris Morran via Consumerist

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