Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Police: Woman Scams First Date Out Of $300 Gift Card At Dinner

We’ve heard of jerks who take advantage of folks looking for love, from dining-and-dashing to elaborate scams that swindle romantic targets out of thousands of dollars. Now, police in Connecticut say one woman fleeced her date after he paid for dinner — and used the money to go out with other men.

Police in Westport, CT say the suspect met her target online using a fake name, and the two went out for dinner at a local Italian eatery, reports CBS New York.

While her date was waiting for the check at the table, she excused herself and allegedly asked the manager for a $300 gift card to the restaurant so they could come back. He gave her the gift card, and her date wound up paying for it, authorities allege.

According to police, she returned to the eatery with a different guy the next day… and the next.

“Not only did she do it once, but twice the next day and the following day,” a Westport police lieutenant told the station. “One of those two days was her birthday, so treating herself on him three times.”

The victim was able to provide a license plate number for the suspect, and her fellow diners picked her out of a lineup. She’s now been arrested on accusations of larceny and illegal use of a credit card.

Police: Woman Fleeces Man Of $300 Gift Card On First Date At Connecticut Restaurant [CBS New York]

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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