Wednesday, October 21, 2015

SodaStream Shrinks Flavor Syrup Bottles Significantly

A lot of Consumerist readers are Sodastream fans, and a number of you wrote in with some sad news: as part of a redesign of its proprietary line of flavoring syrups, the bottles are now smaller. How much smaller? The old version made 50 servings of flavored drink, and the new versions make only 29. Why 29? Why not 30? Such are the mysteries of the Grocery Shrink Ray.

Reader Rob sent along these photos. In grand Shrink Ray tradition, the new bottles are somehow taller even though they’re smaller. On the positive side, they no longer look like petite laundry detergent bottles.




The old versions are still available on SodaStream’s site for now, as “Classics,” but readers report that they only find the shrunken version in brick-and-mortar store.

Maybe SodaStream made this change because they know that the product still looks reasonably priced next to its new competitor, the Keurig Kold. Maybe. We don’t know: we’ve called SodaStream’s media relations team repeatedly, and they haven’t responded to our messages.

by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

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