Thursday, January 8, 2015

Watch What Happens When A Woman “Manspreads” On A Crowded Subway

No one likes the person sitting on a crowded train or bus with their legs flung as far apart as possible in an exhibition of the behavior commonly known as “manspreading,” as it is most often the male of our species who decides he can take up three dang seats by himself. But how do people react to a woman indulging blatantly in seat domination with nary a care for her fellow commuters?

Not well, as seen in a video by Mic where a guy and a gal both set out to annoy people with their space hog moves. Gawkers gawk and haters hate by way of taking photos of the girl slouching all over the train, while most people don’t throw the dude much shade at all, in comparison.

Thank goodness there are still those out there willing to stand up for themselves so they can sit down, as one woman gives the guy a nice bit of attitude over his rude behavior.

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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